Ondrasek Czech Youth Choir
In the past 50 years Ondrášek has become one of the most successful choirs in the Czech Republic, winning prizes in international competitions and festivals, and working with the top national artists, composers and orchestras. Ondrášek is a winner of many prestigious festivals (AREZZO, LLANGOLLEN, MONTREUX, NEERPEELT, TAMPERE, CORK, LA VALLETA, BRATISLAVA, GUANGZHOU, WASHINGTON, KAUNAS, JÜRMALA ) and is a sought after choir at home. The repertoire spans a wide variety of musical expression from renaissance to contemporary choir trends. The list of the latest significant awards starts with June 2014, in which, on their very first trip to the USA, Ondrášek sang their way to the first main prize at the Serenade! Choral Festival in Washington, DC. In December 2015, Ondrášek returned home from Kaunas, Lithuania, with the Grand Prix, the prize for the best and most successful children’s choir at the CANTATE DOMINO festival. The latest prize worth of mention is Grand Prix from an International festival in Bratislava, Slovakia in December 2016.