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Diocesan Tokyo Choir


The Diocesan Tokyo Choir comprises girls aged between 9-13 from Diocesan Girls' Junior School (DGJS). The choir was awarded prestigious prizes at competitions including "The Best Intermediate Choir", "The Best Senior Choir" as well as "The Most Outstanding Primary School Choir in the Hong Kong Region and Kowloon Region" in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival in 2017. The choir received great acclaim for displaying a high quality of musicianship and expressiveness. The DGJS choir was awarded Gold Medals at the 7th and 8th World Choir Games held in Cincinnati and Riga respectively in the category of Young Children’s Choirs.


Kylie Ng​

The conductor of the DGJS Intermediate Choir, Ng has led her choristers in winning numerous prizes at competitions since 2013. Capturing championships in both Chinese and foreign language categories, her choir won the highest acclaim as being selected as “The Best Intermediate Choir” and “The Most Outstanding Primary School Choir in the Hong Kong Region and Kowloon Region” in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival in 2017. Ng also serves as the founder and music director of The Church of Christ in China Heep Woh College Alumni Choir. The mixed choir gives performances annually.

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